Dounraey Site Restoration Ltd

Decommissioning Operatives Framework

Morson Projects currently hold a Decommissioning Operatives Framework with Dounraey Site Restoration Ltd.

Horizon Nuclear Power

Consultancy Services for Wylfa Newydd

Morson Projects were appointed by Horizon Nuclear Power to provide Technical Services for the proposed Wylfa Newydd nuclear power plant in Anglesey, Wales.


Information Environment Systems

Morson Projects were appointed by Leonardo to provide a cost effective resource solution for their Information Environment System (IES) Department.


Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) Review

Morson Projects were appointed by Leonardo Helicopters to undertake a Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) Review.

Axiom DSA

Multi-discipline Design Services for Sellafield

Morson Projects have been engaged via the Sellafield Ltd DSA framework from its inception in 2012 and as the framework is in its third five year cycle we are currently delivering a range of O&M, design and asset lifecycle projects to the SL client.