This niche intersection of art and engineering is just one of the areas Morson Projects specialised design teams inhabit, transforming blank metal canvases into airborne masterpieces, all while navigating the complex web of regulations and technical constraints.

The Art of Aircraft Liveries

Aircraft liveries are more than just paint jobs; they are an extension of a company’s branding. These designs often feature intricate patterns, vibrant colours, and symbolic imagery that convey a company’s ethos and values. Creating these visual identities is an art form that demands a keen eye for detail and a deep understanding of the customers needs.

Our Part 21J Design team work with the customers initial concepts, generating the drawings over multiple iterations, incorporating feedback from stakeholders to ensure the final design aligns perfectly with the customers vision.

Engineering Precision

While creativity drives the conceptual phase, the execution requires precision engineering. Aircraft paint must withstand a wide range of environmental conditions, temperatures, UV radiation and the physical stresses of flight. This demands the use of specialised paints and processes to ensure the aircraft maintains its look and performance time all while ensuring that the paint does not add excessive weight to the aircraft impacting fuel efficiency and performance.

Our engineers work closely with our partners to select materials that meet these stringent requirements, creating bespoke application processes to map out the livery on the aircraft’s curved surfaces, ensuring that every line and colour transition is precise.

Navigating Regulations

In addition to aesthetic and engineering considerations, aircraft liveries must comply with a wide range of regulations set by aviation authorities. These regulations cover aspects such as visibility and safety markings, which must be integrated seamlessly into the design. For example, all civil aircraft are required to display registration numbers and airline logos in specific locations and sizes. These mandatory elements need to be incorporated into the livery without disrupting the overall aesthetic.

Our teams knowledge and experience in choosing colours and patterns can determine an aircraft’s visibility to other pilots and air traffic controllers, especially in adverse weather conditions. Morson Projects specialise in balancing creative expression with regulatory compliance, ensuring that the customers vision enhances rather than hinders the aircraft’s operational safety.

Morson Projects Part 21J DOA Head of Design, Glyn Williams, shared:

“In an industry where an increasing amount of our work is done remotely and behind screens, there is a very real pleasure and sense of pride seeing a freshly painted aircraft role out of the paint sheds with an incredible livery designed by our team.

“It never ceases to amaze me the creativity and artistic flair our engineers show in bringing our customers visions to life.”

Why Choose Morson Projects?
The world of aircraft liveries is a fascinating blend of art, engineering, and regulation, and it takes a design organisation with experience in all aspects to deliver the best results.

As a Part 21J approved DOA we can provide a full approved data package that typically consists of the following :-

  • Detailed concept rendering (to be approved by customer/aircraft owner)
  • Paint Process Specification
  • Dimensional livery drawing
  • Decal and placard drawings for company logos and bespoke requirements, if applicable
  • Approved Service Bulletin to support embodiment for the new paint finish and livery

To find out more about the creativity and ingenuity of our design teams who are able to transform aircraft into symbols of identity and pride, please get in touch with Morson Projects Part 21J DOA Head of Design, Glyn Williams via email.