Teenage Cancer Trust
Teenage Cancer Trust was selected by Morson Group CEO Ged Mason.
Seven young people are diagnosed with cancer every day in the UK. Teenage Cancer Trust is the only charity dedicated to providing specialist nursing care and support to these young people. They’ve built world-class specialist facilities in 28 hospitals across the UK, providing a home away from home for young people while they receive treatment. They also fund specialist nurses and youth support co-ordinators to support the young people in these units. They’ve been specially trained to understand what it’s like to have cancer when you’re young, giving support and helping young people to feel less isolated.
Their Nursing and Support Service aims to provide support for young people diagnosed with cancer regardless of the location in which they live. Their nursing and support pilot saw a team of 7 teenage and young adult cancer specialists working within NHS teams across Greater Manchester, Cheshire, Lancashire and South Cumbria to help them reach every young person with cancer across the region.
The second of our 2022 charities was chosen by employees across the business. A shortlist of potential organisations was drawn up, and employees voted to decide the winner. For this year, it is Refuge.
Since 1971, Refuge has led the campaign against domestic violence and has grown to become the country’s largest single provider of specialist domestic and gender-based violence services, supporting over 6,000 women and children on any given day. They are committed to a world where domestic violence and violence against women and girls is not tolerated and where women and children can live in safety.
They aim to empower women and children to rebuild their lives, free from violence and fear, and provide a range of life-saving and life-changing services, and a voice for the voiceless. In support of this approach, Refuge operates a three-pronged strategy across its strands of work. Refuge provides high-quality services for women and children who have experienced violence; protects women by advocating for a strong criminal justice response to perpetrators; and prevents future violence through education, training and awareness-raising.

The new charity partnerships are Morson’s first in two years. In January 2020, Morson employees voted to support Acorns Children’s Hospice, a Midlands-based organisation, and Kidscan, a Salford-based cancer charity for their employee fundraising throughout the year. However, the coronavirus pandemic struck early in the year which resulted in all charity fundraising activity being shelved as the nation went into the first of several lockdowns. With the standard activities cancelled, Morson CEO Ged Mason presented a cheque for £40,000 to each charity at the Group’s first-ever virtual company awards ceremony in December 2020, and the partnership continued throughout 2021 to allow for further employee-led fundraising. This led to an additional £20,000 being raised.
We look forward to fundraising for these two fantastic charities, as well as supporting other local and national causes over the coming 12 months.
Find out more about Morson Group’s commitment to charity and the community here.