Hi Jake, tell us a little bit more about you and your role?
I work as part of the Ematics control systems team, developing SCADA and PLC software to control a variety of different plants and processes.
How did you get into a role in engineering?

After enjoying doing an Electronics A Level, I had the opportunity to chat with Associate Director, Paul Ward (my current boss). He invited me in and I got to see what Ematics was all about. We kept in touch as I went to uni, studying Electronic Engineering.
As my course was a sandwich course (the third year to be carried out as a work placement), I came to Ematics for the full year, which I really enjoyed. Throughout my final year I kept in touch, finishing off parts of projects I had been working on, and then came back to join the team permanently once I had graduated.
What is the most rewarding part of what you do?
The most rewarding part of my job is actually towards the end of a project, when we get to go to site to carry out commissioning. It’s great to finally see the system we’ve spent months (or years) developing actually in place and functioning.
What projects have you been involved with recently that you can share with us?
I’m currently working on a large SCADA project for a UK rail client, which involves creating a unified control system spanning across Britain, providing the management of the electrification of the railways.
In the background, I’m also involved with other projects such as power stations and continuous maintenance projects for UK road tunnels.
What are your future career aspirations?
At the moment I’m really enjoying working as part of the team at Ematics. As we get to work in a variety of different industries, I can always look forward to the next project, which will give me good insight into a new field and bring its own, unique challenges.
Would you recommend a career in engineering to others, if so – why?
I’d always recommend a career in engineering as it provides a progressive and challenging career.
With a company like Morson Projects, I have the opportunity to work across projects in different sectors whilst also working close to other teams involved in other engineering disciplines.
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